
※以前から軍事海上輸送軍団(Military Sealift Command: MSC)が保有している海上事前集積部隊(Maritime Prepositioning Force Squadrons)および海上事前集積船隊(Maritime Prepositioning ships squadron: MPSRON)が単なる海兵隊の海兵隊遠征旅団(Marine Expeditionary Brigade: MEB)の海上倉庫なら、この2008年〜2013年度建艦計画で構想されたMPF(F)は蓄積した倉庫以上の自己完結した侵攻艦隊となる。司令部、病院や海上都市といった基地機能を備えたシー・パワー21構想に基づいている。14隻で構成する計画だがその内11隻までが改良型を含む新型艦として2013年度までの建艦計画に挙がっていた。一部を除き、計画のみに終わる
↑Ships in Study 1 embark the MEB Command Element (CE) and Ground Combat Element (GCE), but not the Air Combat Element (ACE). Unmodified LMSR - T-AKR-300. Study 1.1 (5 per squadron). Image courtesy of Shipbucket.

↑Clean Sheet LMSR Design. Study 1.2 (5 per squadron). Image courtesy of Shipbucket.

↑Modified T-AKR-300 Class. Image courtesy of Shipbucket.

↑Modified T-AKR-310 Class. Image courtesy of Shipbucket.

↑Clean Sheet LMSR(X). Image courtesy of Shipbucket.
※All ships in the MPSRON will be identical (Quantities in parentheses).

↑Clean Sheet Distributed Capability - RW/TR and FW Operations. Study 3.1.1 (6 per squadron). Image courtesy of Shipbucket.

↑Clean Sheet Distributed Capability - RW/TR Operations. Study 3.1.2 (6 per squadron). Image courtesy of Shipbucket.

↑Modified LMSR - RW/TR Operations (Flight Deck Aft). Study 3.1.3 FDA (7 per squadron). Image courtesy of Shipbucket.

↑Modified LMSR - RW/TR Operations (Flight Deck Forward). Study 3.1.3 FDF (7 per squadron). Image courtesy of Shipbucket.

↑Full Aviation Operations. Study 3.2.1 (3 per squadron). Image courtesy of Shipbucket.

↑Logistics Ship. Study 3.2.2 (2 per squadron). Image courtesy of Shipbucket.

↑Roll On/Roll Off Cargo Ship. Study 3.2.3 (4 per squadron). Image courtesy of Shipbucket.

↑Study 4.4. Image courtesy of Shipbucket.

↑Unconstrained Full Air Operations (5.1.2 RW only). Study 5.1.1 and 5.1.2 (6 per squadron). Image courtesy of Shipbucket.

↑Clean Sheet Constrained Distributed Capability - RW/TR Only. Study 5.1.3 (8 plus JSF support ship). Image courtesy of Shipbucket.

↑Constrained Distributed Capability - RW/TR Only. Study 5.1.3A/B (9 plus JSF support ship). Image courtesy of Shipbucket.

↑Constrained Distributed Capability - RW/TR and FW. Study 5.1.4 (8 per squadron). Image courtesy of Shipbucket.

※Spiral II Family of Ships Option 1 will consist of the following: 3 Full Air Operations Ships, 2 Logistics Ships, 3 Roll On/Roll Off Cargo Ships, 3 Mobile Landing Platforms

↑Full Air Operations. Study 5.2.1. Image courtesy of Shipbucket.

↑RW/TR Air Operations. Study 5.2.1A. Image courtesy of Shipbucket.

↑RW/TR Air Operations - Reduced Size. Study 5.2.1B. Image courtesy of Shipbucket.

↑Logistics Ship - Modified T-AKE. Study 5.2.2. Image courtesy of Shipbucket.

↑Roll On/Roll Off Cargo Ship. Study 5.2.3. Image courtesy of Shipbucket.
※Spiral II Family of Ships Option 2 will consist of the following: 3 Full Air Operations Ships, 3 Mobile Landing Platforms, X Logistics and Roll On/Roll Off Cargo Ships (Quantities in parentheses)

↑Unconstrained Logistics and Roll On/Roll Off Cargo Ship. Study 5.2.4 (4 per squadron). Image courtesy of Shipbucket.

↑Constrained Logistics and Roll On/Roll Off Cargo Ship. Study 5.2.5 (7 per squadron). Image courtesy of Shipbucket.

↑Constrained Logistics and Roll On/Roll Off Cargo Ship. Study 5.2.6 (6 per squadron). Image courtesy of Shipbucket.

↑Unconstrained Logistics and Roll On/Roll Off Cargo Ship. Study 5.2.6A (6 per squadron). Image courtesy of Shipbucket.

↑Constrained Logistics and Roll On/Roll Off Cargo Ship - Reduced Size. Study 5.2.6B (8 per squadron). Image courtesy of Shipbucket.

↑Joint High Speed Sealift. Image courtesy of Shipbucket.

↑Rapid Strategic Lift Ship (Hangar/Open Deck). Image courtesy of Shipbucket.

↑Rapid Strategic Lift Ship (Open Deck). Image courtesy of Shipbucket.

↑Indicative Design 1. Image courtesy of Shipbucket.

↑Indicative Design 2. Image courtesy of Shipbucket.

↑Indicative Design 3. Image courtesy of Shipbucket.

↑NASSCO Design. Image courtesy of Shipbucket.

↑Image courtesy of Shipbucket.
※海軍大学院が考案したもの(12)。従来の大型揚陸艦を置き換えるために設計された80,000t以上の排水量を持つ艦艇。3つの車両デッキがあり、その上に格納庫があると予想される場所には、巨大な貨物エリア。同タイプ5隻で十分なISOコンテナと463Lパレットを運べば、補給のために追加の船を持ち込むことなく、数日間海兵隊遠征軍(Marine Expeditionary Force: MEF)の戦闘活動をサポートできる。乗員区画はスポンソンに四分割されてる。設計のさまざまなヴァリエーションには、LCAC用に最適化されたウェル・デッキとLCU用に最適化されたウェル・デッキが2つか3つある。追加の艇は船尾に搭載可能。艦載機の運用は、完全にフライトデッキで行われ、上部構造はほぼ完全に格納庫専用

↑Image courtesy of Shipbucket.

Update 23/10/06