
アイコン 意味

軽荷排水量:60,500t 満載排水量:70,965t(73,500tともいわれる) 全長:280.79m(280.94mともいわれる) 幅:36.90m(36.93mともいわれる) 吃水:10.97m(平均) 主缶:バブコック&ウィルコックス缶8基 主機/軸数:ウェスティングハウス式ギアード蒸気タービン4基/4軸 出力:172,000馬力 速力:28.0kt 燃料搭載量:重油7,300t 航続力:15ktで15,000浬 兵装:50口径406mm3連装砲4基、54口径127mm連装両用砲10基、56口径40mm4連装対空機関砲8基(最終的に56口径40mm4連装対空機関砲10基)、70口径20mm対空機関砲56基 装甲:水線408.94mm〜下端259.08mm(テーパー状で19度傾けて25.4mmSTSを装着)、船体内側水線182.88mm〜下端25.4mm(テーパー状で10度傾斜)、甲板(主19.05mm+38.1mm、2nd 147.32mm+31.75mm、3rd 15.74mm〜15.87mm、スプリンター15.87mm、計265.53mm)、砲塔前楯457.2mm+114.3mm、砲塔側面254mm、砲塔後面304.8mm、砲塔天蓋232.41mm、隔壁(前部457.2mm、後部387.35mm)、バーベット196.85mm〜541.02mm(後部457.2mm)、司令塔(側面457.2mm、上部184.15mm) 搭載機:水上偵察機3機 乗員:士官115名、下士官兵2,240名(旗艦の場合の乗員:士官189名、下士官兵2,789名)
※Machinery arrangement of the Montana (BB-67) as designed.(12
↑Montana class (BB-67--71) battleship. Artist's conception of this abortive class, whose construction was cancelled on 21 July 1943. This artwork depicts the ship fitted with a heavy battery of anti-aircraft guns, as would have been the case had she been completed. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.

↑Cross section of the Montana class (BB-67-71) engine room. Image courtesy of NavSource.

↑Image courtesy of Shipbucket.
※1940年2月6日のScheme 3案
基準排水量:52,500t 公試排水量:64,500t 吃水線長:262.12m 幅:水線34.74m 吃水:10.97m 出力:130,000馬力 速力:28.0kt 兵装:50口径406mm3連装砲4基、38口径127mm連装両用砲10基
↑"Battleship Study - BB65 - Scheme 3 - (1940 Studies)." Preliminary design plan prepared for the General Board as part of the process leading to the Montana class (BB-67--71) battleship design. This plan, dated 6 February 1940, is for a ship of 52,500 tons standard displacement and 64,500 ton trial displacement, with a main battery of twelve 16"/50 guns, a secondary battery of twenty 5"/38 guns and a 130,000 horsepower powerplant for a speed of 28 knots. Ship's dimensions are: waterline length 860'; waterline beam 114'; draft 36'. Scale of the original drawing is 1/32" = 1'. Port side 5" gun arrangement is labeled "previous secondary battery arrangement". Starboard side has a "proposed secondary battery arrangement." The original plan is in the 1939-1944 "Spring Styles Book" held by the Naval Historical Center. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
↑Image courtesy of Shipbucket.
※1940年2月14日のScheme 4案
基準排水量:54,500t 公試排水量:64,500t 吃水線長:265.17m 幅:水線34.74m 吃水:10.97m 出力:150,000馬力 速力:28.0kt 兵装:50口径406mm3連装砲4基、54口径127mm連装両用砲10基
↑"Battleship Study - BB65 - Scheme 4 - (1940 Studies)." Preliminary design plan prepared for the General Board as part of the process leading to the Montana class (BB-67--71) battleship design. This plan, dated 14 February 1940, is for a ship of 54,500 tons standard displacement and 64,500 tons trial displacement, with a main battery of twelve 16"/50 guns, a secondary battery of twenty 5"/54 guns and a 150,000 horsepower powerplant for a speed of 28 knots. Ship's dimensions are: waterline length 870'; waterline beam 114'; draft 36'. Scale of the original drawing is 1/32" = 1'. Port side 5" gun arrangement is labeled "previous secondary battery arrangement". Starboard side has a "proposed secondary battery arrangement." The original plan is in the 1939-1944 "Spring Styles Book" held by the Naval Historical Center. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
↑Image courtesy of Shipbucket.
※1940年3月15日のScheme 8案
基準排水量:70,000t 公試排水量:82,000t 吃水線長:320.04m 幅:水線36.57m 吃水:10.66m 出力:320,000馬力 速力:33.0kt 兵装:50口径406mm3連装砲4基、54口径127mm連装両用砲10基
↑"Battleship Study - BB65 - Scheme 8 - (1940 Studies)." Preliminary design plan prepared for the General Board as part of the process leading to the Montana class battleship (BB-67--71) design. This plan, dated 15 March 1940, is for a ship of 70,000 tons standard displacement and 82,000 ton trial displacement, with a main battery of twelve 16"/50 guns, a secondary battery of twenty 5"/54 guns and a 320,000 horsepower powerplant for a speed of 33 knots. Ship's dimensions are: waterline length 1,050'; waterline beam 120'; draft 35'. Scale of the original drawing is 1/32" = 1'. Port side 5" gun arrangement is labeled "previous secondary battery arrangement". Starboard side has a "proposed secondary battery arrangement." The original plan is in the 1939-1944 "Spring Styles Book" held by the Naval Historical Center. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph.
↑Image courtesy of Shipbucket.

↑"Battleship Study, BB 65 - Scheme 1 and BB 61-64 (Incl{usive})." Preliminary design plan prepared for the General Board comparingthe outboard profile (including superstructure) of the Iowa (BB-61) class battleships with the hull profile of the Montana class. This plan is dated 9 July 1940 and shows the Iowa class outboard profile in solid lines and the hull of the Montana class in dashed lines.At the time, the Montana class was planned to begin withhull number BB-65, rather than BB-67 as it became after two more Iowas were ordered as BB-65 and BB-66. Scale of the original drawings is 1/32" = 1'. The original plan is in the 1939-1944 "Spring Styles Book"held by the Naval Historical Center. U.S. Naval Historical Center Photograph. Image courtesy of HyperWar.

↑Image courtesy of Shipbucket.
※初期の低速戦艦(Slow Battleships)計画時に当初、457mm3連装砲搭載の案と457mm連装砲搭載の案が考究されていた(ゲーム「World of Warships」ではオハイオという艦名で登場

↑Image courtesy of Shipbucket.

艦名 NAME 艦種記号 建造所 就役日 退役日 除籍日 備考
Montana BB-67 フィラデルフィア海軍工廠 ◎1940/12/28 艦名をモンタナにすると発表
◎1942/6 建造中断
◎1943/7/21 建造中止
Ohio BB-68 フィラデルフィア海軍工廠 ◎1942/6 建造中断
◎1943/7/21 建造中止
Maine BB-69 ニュー・ヨーク海軍工廠 ◎1940/12/28 艦名をメインにすると発表
◎1943/7/21 未着手のまま建造中止
New Hampshire BB-70 ニュー・ヨーク海軍工廠 ◎1943/7/21 未着手のまま建造中止
Louisiana BB-71 ニュー・ヨーク海軍工廠 ◎1943/7/21 未着手のまま建造中止

Update 25/01/13