- ※EFVはExpeditionary Fighting Vehicleの略で、艦種記号ではない
- 戦闘重量:34.5t 車体重量:28.7t 車体長:10.66m 全幅:3.65m 全高:3.26m(砲塔先端より) エンジン:MTU Friedrichshafen
MT883 Ka-524ディーゼル・エンジン1基 出力:水上2,702馬力/地上850馬力 最高速:水上46.02km/h/地上72.42km/h 航続距離:水上119.09km/地上523.03km 主武装:30mmブッシュマスターII Mk. 44 Mod. 0機関砲1基(EFVP型)、7.62mm機銃(EFVPC型) 乗員:3名(兵員17名、もしくは物資4.5tを塔載(EFVP型)、司令部要員7名(EFVPC型))
- ※水陸両用強襲車(AAV)の後継車種。当初は先進揚陸強襲車(Advanced Amphibious Assault Vehicle:AAAV)と呼ばれる。2011年に国防予算削減の方針により開発中止

- ↑VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (May 1, 2007) - Department of Defense personnel and
Marines tour an Expeditionary Assault Vehicle (EFV) during a capabilities
exercise at Naval Amphibious Base Little Creek. The exercise showcased
the capabilities of the new EFV, a concept vehicle designed to replace
the amphibious assault vehicle (AAV) currently used by Marine forces. U.S.
Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Mandy McLaurin. (RELEASED)

- ↑VIRGINIA BEACH, Va. (May 1, 2007) - During a capabilities exercise, Amphibious
Vehicle Test Branch demonstrates the maneuverability of an Expeditionary
Fighting Vehicle (EFV) for Department of Defense personnel at Naval Amphibious
Base Little Creek. The exercise showcased the capabilities of the new EFV,
a concept vehicle designed to replace the amphibious assault vehicle (AAV)
currently used by Marine forces. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication
Specialist 2nd Class Elizabeth Merriam. (RELEASED)

Update 24/04/17