
アイコン 意味

総重量:9.10t(1963年時) 車体長:10.66m 全幅:3.04m(最大) エンジン:ディーゼル1基 出力:300制動馬力 最高速:水上12.8km/h/地上48.2km/h 乗員:3名
船種記号 製造会社 就役日 退役日 除籍日 備考
35086〜35100 ◎1963〜1967 この間、竣工
◎1968〜1979 この間、処分
参考文献:"U.S. Coast Guard Cutters and Craft: 1946-1990" Naval Institute Press, 1990.
◎Stationed between Massachusetts and North Carolina.
35086 参考文献:"American Coastal Rescue Craft: A Design History of Coastal Rescue Craft Used by the United States Life-Saving Service and the United States Coast Guard" University Press of Florida, 2009.
◎Station: Chatham, Brant Point.
35087 参考文献:"American Coastal Rescue Craft: A Design History of Coastal Rescue Craft Used by the United States Life-Saving Service and the United States Coast Guard" University Press of Florida, 2009.
◎Station: Chatham, Nauset.
35089 参考文献:"American Coastal Rescue Craft: A Design History of Coastal Rescue Craft Used by the United States Life-Saving Service and the United States Coast Guard" University Press of Florida, 2009.
◎Station: Race Point.
35090 参考文献:"American Coastal Rescue Craft: A Design History of Coastal Rescue Craft Used by the United States Life-Saving Service and the United States Coast Guard" University Press of Florida, 2009.
◎Station: Sandy Hook.
35112、35113 ◎1963〜1967 この間、竣工
◎1968〜1979 この間、処分
参考文献:"U.S. Coast Guard Cutters and Craft: 1946-1990" Naval Institute Press, 1990.
◎Stationed between Massachusetts and North Carolina.
35112 参考文献:"American Coastal Rescue Craft: A Design History of Coastal Rescue Craft Used by the United States Life-Saving Service and the United States Coast Guard" University Press of Florida, 2009.
◎Station: Chatham.
35738〜35747 ◎1963〜1967 この間、竣工
◎1968〜1979 この間、処分
参考文献:"U.S. Coast Guard Cutters and Craft: 1946-1990" Naval Institute Press, 1990.
◎Stationed between Massachusetts and North Carolina.

Update 24/11/08