- ※DGVはGuided Missile Aviation DestroyerもしくはDestroyer, Guided missile, Vertical
take-off aircraftの略で、艦種記号ではない

- ↑In 1980 there was work done, by Boeing, Lockheed and Grumman, for the
use of 'turbofan VTOL aircraft' for both offensive and defensive measures
for the fleet. The aircraft resulting would have been the Grumman design
698 VTOL aircraft. This aircraft was designed to be able to be used by
the ships then in commission, such as the Perry, Spruance and the Hayler
DDH design (which at that point was being build, but to the regular Spruance
design) but the full potential of the aircraft would be reached with an
special build ship. That ship would have been the DGV. The ability of this
ship was to give fleets which operated independently from carrier battle
groups part of the capabilities of the carrier battle group. Versions of
the Grumman design 698 would operate as a surveillance/misseleer aircraft,
jammer aircraft, and possibly also ASW aircraft. This would give amphibious
groups or merchant escort groups a much longer range against any target
then regular escort ships could do. The DGV was designed in collaboration
between Litton-Ingalls and Grumman. The design was based on a Spruance
hull, lengthened slightly for the installation of an active stabilization
system. This made air operations easier. Under the waterline, little else
changed from the Spruance to the DGV hull. Above it, everything was changed
though. The superstructure was moved to the side, and to the side of it
a hangar was build. Landing platforms were added aft, while the bow was
filled with a takeoff ramp. At the fore and aft ends of the hangar, offset
to the sides, were 2*64 cells VLS. Interesting to see is that the DGV was
more than a carrier for these aircraft. The ship carried its own load of
Mk. 41 VLS cells, allowing the aircraft to be a guidance unit for standard
missiles, tomahawks and ASROC class weapons. apart from an takeoff run
which allowed the aircraft to take more stores into the air (such as 2
harpoon anti-ship missiles, a pair of long range air to air missiles (undefined),
up to 6 AMRAAM class weapons or 4 lightweight torpedoes) the ship carried
its own load of Mk. 41 VLS cells, allowing the aircraft to be an guidance
unit for standard missiles, tomahawks and ASROC class weapons. Some specs:
Displacement - 12,000 tons Length - 162.2m WL; 173.6m OA Beam - 20.7 WL;
28.6m OA Draft - 10.4m The hangar could take 8 surveillance/missileer aircraft
and 2 jammer aircraft. The propulsion unit would have been as Spruance,
4 LM2500 gas turbines, COGAG, resulting in a top speed of more than 29
knots. Interesting to see is that this design originated from later then
the flight deck Spruance designs, and while its origins are the same the
end result is somewhat different from the others.I look forward to your
comments, be them good or bad. Detailing might be off or incomplete, as
I will revisit all never builds I have WIP after all real spruances are
done (for perfect accuracy) these will be modified, checked and completed
when I get that far. Thank you for reading, and I will post notifications
when I update this first post in the thread below. Image courtesy of Shipbucket.
Update 23/08/08