Armour, Armament, Equipment, Modernizations

※SRAはSelected Restricted Availabilityの略
装甲(単位はmm) belt summary: 150, flight deck: 45, gallery deck: 25, hangar deck: 37, main deck: 37, torpedo bulkhead: 76
兵装 CVA-59: 8 x 1 - 127/54 Mk. 42, 90 aircraft

CVA-60: 8 x 1 - 127/54 Mk. 42, 90 aircraft

CVA-61: 8 x 1 - 127/54 Mk. 42, 90 aircraft

CVA-62: 8 x 1 - 127/54 Mk. 42, 90 aircraft
電子兵装 SPS-8A, SPS-12, SPS-10, SPN-6, SPN-8, SPN-12, 3 x Mk. 35 radars, SLR-2 ECM suite
船体防護関係事項 Armour protection consisted of 4 protected decks and distributed vertical armour (side armour and longitudinal bulkheads). Also there was a box-shaped protection of magazines and vital zones. Underwater protection included 5 longitudinal bulkheads (4th bulkhead was 76mm-thick). Bottom was also protected.
各改装 early 1960s, CVA-59, CVA-60, CVA-62: - 4 x 1 - 127/54 (fwd), fwd gun sponsons were removed

1967, CVA-59: - 4 x 1 - 127/54, 3x Mk. 35 radars; + 1 x 8 Sea Sparrow SAM (8 RIM-7), Mk. 51, SPS-58 radars

1960s, all: - SPS-12, SPS-8A, SPN-6 radars, SLR-2 ECM suite; + SPS-29, SPS-30, SPN-10, LN-66 radars, WLR-1, ULQ-6 ECM suites

1973, CVA-62, 1974, CVA-60: - 4 x 1 - 127/54, 3x Mk. 35 radars; + 2 x 8 Sea Sparrow SAM (16 RIM-7), 2x Mk. 51, SPS-58 radars

1970s, all: - ULQ-6 ECM suite; + WLR-3, WLR-11 ECM suites

mid-1970s, CV-61: - 2 x 1 - 127/54

1976, CV-59: + 1 x 8 Sea Sparrow SAM (8 RIM-7), Mk. 51 radar

1977, CV-61: - 2 x 1 - 127/54, 3x Mk 35 radars; + 2 x 8 Sea Sparrow SAM (16 RIM-7), 6x Mk. 95, SPS-58 radars

1980s, all: - SPS-10, SPN-8, SPN-10 radars; + SPS-64(v)9, SPS-67(v)1, SPN-41, 2x SPN-42, SPN-43A radars, 5x Mk. 36 SRBOC decoy RL, SLQ-25 Nixie torpedo decoy

1983, CV-60: - 2 x 8 Sea Sparrow SAM (Mk. 25 launcher) (16 RIM-7), 2x Mk. 51, SPS-29, SPS-30, SPS-58 radars, WLR-1, WLR-3 ECM suites; + 3 x 8 Sea Sparrow SAM (Mk 29 launchers) (24 RIM-7), 3 x 6 - 20/76 Mk. 15 Phalanx, 6x Mk. 95, Mk. 23 TAS, SPS-48C, SPS-49, SPS-65, SPS-37, 3x Mk. 90 radars, WLR-1H, WLR-8, SLQ-17A ECM suite (forming SLQ-29 system), 3x Mk. 36 SRBOC decoy RL, NTDS CCS; kevlar armour was added; elevators can lift up to 45t aircraft.

1985, CV-61: - SPS-29, SPS-30, SPS-58 radars, WLR-1, WLR-3 ECM suites; + 3 x 6 - 20/76 Mk. 15 Phalanx, SPS-64(v)9, SPS-67(v)1, Mk. 23 TAS, SPS-49(v)5, SPS-48C, SPN-44, 3x Mk. 90 radars, WLR-1H, WLR-8, SLQ-17A ECM suite (forming SLQ-29 system)

1985, CV-59: - 2 x 8 Sea Sparrow SAM (Mk. 25 launchers) (16 RIM-7), 2x Mk. 51, SPS-29, SPS-30, SPS-58 radars, WLR-1, WLR-3 ECM suites; + 3 x 8 Sea Sparrow SAM (Mk. 29 launchers) (24 RIM-7), 3 x 6 - 20/76 Mk. 15 Phalanx, 6x Mk 95, Mk 23 TAS, SPS-48C, SPS-49, SPS-58, SPS-43A, 3x Mk 90 radars, WLR-1H, WLR-8, SLQ-17A ECM suite (forming SLQ-29 system), 3x Mk. 36 SRBOC decoy RL, NTDS CCS; kevlar armour was added; elevators can lift up to 45t aircraft.

1988, CV-62: - 2 x 8 Sea Sparrow SAM (Mk. 25 launchers) (16 RIM-7), 2x Mk. 51, SPS-29, SPS-30, SPS-58 radars, WLR-1, WLR-3 ECM suites; + 3 x 8 Sea Sparrow SAM (Mk. 29 launchers) (24 RIM-7), 3 x 6 - 20/76 Mk. 15 Phalanx, 6x Mk. 95, Mk. 23 TAS, SPS-48C, SPS-49(v)5, SPS-58, SPS-43A, SPN-44, 3x Mk. 90 radars, WLR-1H, WLR-8, SLQ-17A ECM suite (forming SLQ-29 system), 3x Mk. 36 SRBOC decoy RL, SLQ-25A Nixie torpedo decoy, NTDS CCS, TFCC (Tactical Flag Command Center); kevlar armour was added; elevators can lift up to 45t aircraft.
※フォレスタル Forrestal CVA-59→CV-59
日付 概要
就役前後 部分修正:艦首のブライドル・リトリーバーを改正
1958前後 部分修正:煙突のトップを後方に傾斜から水平に、後檣をより簡易的構造の無線檣に換装
1959 導入、設置:SPN-6を再設置
1961/9~1962/1/13 改装 部分修正:Reduced her arresting gear from six wires to four with sheave dampers. アイランドの無線檣は高くなる
撤去:Forward 5" gun mounts and sponsons.
導入、設置:Jet engine test facility on the fantail, SPS-43A long range air search radar on the starboard side of the island, Van Zelm bridle arrestors and Fresnel lens landing system.
1966/4/15~1967/1/23 オーヴァーホール 導入、設置:Naval Tactical Data System (NTDS); new electronic repair shops; new arresting gear-which required widening by 15 feet the final 120 feet of the angled flight deck due to the longer run-out; and Integrated Operational Intelligence System (IOIS) to operate with North American RA-5C Vigilantes for enhanced strategic and tactical intelligence. SPS-30を設置。アイランド後部にはSPN-35を収めた大型のレドーム設置
1967/9/19~1968/4/8 火災事故後の修理 導入、設置:Removed the remaining 5" guns and replaced them with a NATO Sea Sparrow Basic Point Defense Missile System (BPDMS).
1971/7/16~1972/4/10 オーヴァーホール 導入、設置:Two new jet blast deflectors to enable her to operate Grumman F-14A Tomcats; satellite communications equipment; a new and bigger evaporator; and a new telephone exchange; conversion: from black oil to Naval Distillate Fuel.
1974 導入、設置:SPS-58を設置
1976/10/1~1977/6/24 導入、設置:BPDMS on the port quarter.
換装:SPS-48 long range three-dimensional air search radar replaced SPS-30.
1980 部分修正:煙突の高さが3.04m延長
1982/7/23~1982/12/10 Post-shakedown Availability
1983/1/12~1985/5/20 SLEP 導入、設置:New Mark 3, Mod. 3 arresting gear engines and the accompanying sheave system; Anti-Submarine Warfare Tactical Support Center; Mk. 29 NATO Sea Sparrow launchers replaced the outdated Mk. 25 launchers; and extended No. 4 Catapult by 42-feet.
1985/9/13~1985/12/18 Post-shipyard Availability & SRA period 導入、設置:Three Phalanx 20 mm close-in-weapons systems (CIWS); Nixie anti-torpedo protection system.
1991~1992/5/15 Dedicated SRA 導入、設置:Converted to accommodate night-configured F/A-18 Hornets and SH-60 Seahawks, as well as marine CH-53D Sea Stallions and UH-1N Iroquois; and Tactical Flag Combat Center.
2007/3/7 Planned Incremental Availability 90 major modifications, including the RIM-116A Rolling Airframe Missile [RAM] system-a lightweight quick-reaction "fire-and-forget" missile designed to counter anti-ship missiles attacking in waves or streams-modification to CIWS, a local area network upgrade, alteration of the JP-5 fuel system and installation of a new electronic throttle system in her propulsion plants.

↑Over the years the stern of Forrestal changed and looked quite different, as can be seen by comparing the color photo (November 2006) to the black-and-white, pre-1964 picture, and the September 1987 image. Photo NS025951f: A Phalanx CIWS was mounted here. On the 01 level from port to starboard: smoke/pyro locker, platform, tool storage and issue. On the 02 level all the way across the stern is Aviation storage. On the 03 level all the way across the stern is Aviation storage again. Platform for the azimuth dome of the SPN-41 radar, part of the automatic landing control system. SPN-41 had two separate antennas, to measure the elevation and azimuth angles of an incoming plane. The former was sponsoned out to port, between the island and the after end of the angled deck; the latter was located on the fantail. Jet engine test stand area. Image courtesy of NavSource.

日付 概要
1958ごろ 部分修正:煙突のトップを水平に
1959 導入、設置:第3舷側歯車装置を換装(攻撃航空母艦コンステレーション Constellation(CVA-64)用のを使用)
1963 撤去:127mm単装速射砲4基撤去、SPS-12、SPS-8A撤去
1967もしくは1968 導入、設置:アイランド後部にはSPN-35を収めた大型のレドーム設置(1971年に一時的に撤去)
1973 導入、設置:右舷前部と左舷後部にSea Sparrow Basic Point Defense Missile System(BPDMS)
1975 導入、設置:SPS-58を設置(数年後にSPN-6を撤去)
1980/10/1~1983/2/3 SLEP 撤去:SPS-43、C-7、C-11カタパルト撤去、Sea Sparrow Basic Point Defense Missile System(BPDMS)
導入、設置:SPS-49、C-13カタパルト、NATO Sea Sparrow Basic Point Defense Missile System(BPDMS)3基、20mmCIWS3基

※レンジャー Ranger CVA-61→CV-61
日付 概要
1960後半 導入、設置:アイランドから舷外に斜めに張り出しを設け、先端にSPS-43を装備
1962/5ごろ 撤去:127mm単装速射砲前部4基撤去(スポンソンはそのまま)
1963/8~1964/2 オーヴァーホール 撤去:SPS-8A、SPS-12
1966/9~1967/5 オーヴァーホール 導入、設置:Naval Tactical Data System(NTDS)を設置、Mk. 56射撃指揮装置2基に換装
1970末ごろ? 撤去:SPN-6
1974 撤去:127mm単装速射砲後部4基の内、5インチ7番砲(57番砲)と5インチ8番砲(58番砲)撤去
1977ごろ 撤去:127mm単装速射砲後部2基、SPS-30
導入、設置:NATO Sea Sparrow Basic Point Defense Missile System(BPDMS)2基、SPS-48

↑USS Ranger (CVA-61), general antenna arrangement, island-fwd, looking aft to starboard, Hunters Point San Francisco Bay Naval Shipyard, 22 October 1965, photo MSR-60426-10-65. Image courtesy of NavSource.

※インディペンデンス Independence CVA-62→CV-62
日付 概要
1961ごろ 撤去:127mm単装速射砲前部4基とスポンソン、SPS-37
1963前半 撤去:SPS-8B、SPS-12
1965前半 導入、設置:SPN-35
1973 撤去:127mm単装速射砲後部4基
導入、設置:Sea Sparrow Basic Point Defense Missile System(BPDMS)Mk. 25発射機2基
1979 撤去:Sea Sparrow Basic Point Defense Missile System(BPDMS)Mk. 25発射機2基
導入、設置:NATO Sea Sparrow Basic Point Defense Missile System(BPDMS)Mk. 29発射機
1980 部分修正:煙突の高さを3m増高

Update 24/05/19